
The Wilderness of Sin

Have you ever tried to read the Bible and got bored when you hit the later chapters of Exodus, then Leviticus and Deuteronomy? Did you get bogged down in all the laws and temple building? Well, they don't call it the Wilderness of sin for nothing. God gave them the law in the wilderness. The law was tedious, but the law was given to reveal sin. That's what Paul said in Galatians. It's in the deserts of life that our sin is revealed the most. It's in the daily grind of life that we are tempted to discount God in search for the miraculous. But if you really want to know God, keep going through what you feel is boring and you will be surprised as He reveals Himself through His Word.

Man and Woman

Notice something about Adam and Abraham. Adam sinned when he listened to the voice of his wife. Abraham was told by God to listen to the voice of his wife. In both cases,listening to God's Word is the path of life.

The God Who Sees and Hears Has a Plan for You

The God who works through difficult situations also worked through another ancient story; a story of a single mother who was treated unfairly and how God saved her. A man and his wife were having trouble getting pregnant. They were sure that they were supposed to have a baby. They wanted more than anything to have a baby. So one day, since the woman wasn't conceiving, she told her husband that they should ask their maid if she would be a surrogate mother. The husband agreed and since this was before artificial insemination, the husband went and had sex with the maid and she conceived. After the maid became pregnant, the wife started treating her badly; so badly that the maid ran away into the wilderness. But an angel appeared to the maid who had run away into the wilderness. She was sitting by a spring of water. And the angel asked her what she was doing, and she told him. The angel said, "God has heard your cry of affliction." He told her that her son would grow t

Dear Prostitute

Dear Prostitute, (Genesis 38) Judah used a young lady like you ... and Jesus came from their family line by God's grace and design. God can redeem your life & your child for good if you cry out to Him. God is the "redeemer," the One who buys us back from slavery to sin and shame. He redeems us so He can adopt us into His Family.

Adam and Eve

Just a few thoughts on Adam and Eve ... God didn't tell Eve not to eat of the fruit. Eve saw that it was pleasing to the eyes, good for food and a source of wisdom, so she ate. That's all we know. Their eyes were not said to be "opened" to know good and evil until after Adam ate the fruit Eve gave him. And when God spoke to Adam, God said, "Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘Do not eat from it’..." The Scriptures say that Adam was not deceived, but Eve was. Eve actually thought she was doing what was right. Adam deliberately did what he knew was wrong. We are called to be faithful to the Word and not follow the enticement of others.

Let's Begin!

Genesis! Welcome to reading the word together! Here is where we can share ideas, questions and what we learn. If you're looking for a Bible reading plan, check this page out: